3 Reasons Switch to Dedicated From VPS Hosting Server

VPS Hosting Server

We suggest to our readers that consideration be given for various reasons. As well as the difficulties that beginners often face when choosing a web hosting. In particular, the article explains why switching to a Dedicated Server from a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is better.

Many users like to create various websites. Naturally, initially in most cases, these are small projects with minimal needs. But over time, as a rule, sites improve and develop, and they already need much more attention and resources.

At the same time, sooner or later, a time comes when the previous virtual host is no longer enough. And the inexorable hoster constantly disconnects the user due to “peak overloads on a particular server used, provoked by too high site traffic.”

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So, after the indescribable delight and joy caused by the high popularity of the Internet project. The developer gradually notices that his “brainchild” already urgently needs to expand the “living space,” which must be provided for full functioning.

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But first, you need to ensure that the site has already developed to the level when it is time to move it to a full-fledged Dedicated Server (or Dedicated Hosting).

We will list the main reasons that indicate that a Dedicated Server is exactly what you need.

Dedicated Hosting cPanel

Reason # 1 for switching to a VPS or dedicated server

You noticed that the number of unique visitors and their actual activity on your site has already exceeded a certain threshold. After which, the previous web hosting can no longer cope with its responsibilities. As a result of which, it starts to periodically disconnect.

Today, the standard threshold for disconnecting web hosting can be considered cases. When a host occupies more than a fifth of the total processing power of the server in use for thirty seconds or more. More specifically, this is about a hundred visitors on the site simultaneously and actively using it.

Yes, the actual number of users simultaneously visiting the site is the main reason for the constant collapse of the site. Then an urgent need to switch from hosting to a virtual server or from a VPS to a dedicated physical server. And not their total number, for example, per day. If two thousand unique visitors are recorded per day, they simultaneously generate twenty thousand clicks. Then it is too early to say that web hosting will not cope with high-quality site service.

Why Do You Choose Dedicated Servers from a VPS?

If these visitors enter the site evenly throughout the day and spend about five minutes working with the site. Then deducting the arithmetic mean by simple actions. It is easy to understand that about ten people will view the site at a time. And with such a volume, the web hosting used will certainly cope. But if the site has been visited by only a thousand users, this happens around the same time. Then you cannot do without a Dedicated Server.

That is why, when assessing the total load on the host, it is necessary to take into account not the total number of visitors per day. But directly the peak values ​​of the number of users on the site simultaneously during the most “popular” hours. So, as soon as the recorded peak indicators begin to strive for critical values. The site owner will have to switch from web hosting to a virtual server. From a VPS to a dedicated server as soon as possible, if he values ​​the reputation of his Internet project.

Reason # 2 for moving to a separate dedicated server

A situation when the site owner needs to get hosting that will be configured for some of his specific needs.

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In fact, often for newly developed custom-made special unique scripts or when planning the installation of new security systems. Unique settings of system programs are required, which the provider cannot provide on shared hosting. This situation also implies a mandatory transition to a dedicated physical powerful server. Which qualified specialists can easily configure directly to the needs of the customer.

Reason # 3 for moving from a VPS to a dedicated server

It so happens that I have started quite successfully. The site owner decides to expand his presence on the World Wide Web further. Of course, he will need a specific single host for these purposes. A platform should have virtually unlimited capabilities in terms of the number of secondary servers of domains, e-mail users, various domain zones, databases, and websites hosted on it. As well as the right to order when the need for additional IP addresses. Only in a high-quality dedicated server can all these requirements be brought together.

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We introduced readers to three main reasons. Internet project owners should consider moving from a virtual server (VPS) to a dedicated one. Although there are many more reasons for this, each site owner has their own interests. But most importantly, in any case, this kind of transition can be considered the beginning of a fundamentally new and much more severe level on the Internet. Therefore absolutely every successfully developing project comes to this sooner or later.


Lastly, I would like to say one thing if your site is currently a startup in the first place, then you can use shared hosting. After that, if you have more visitors, you can use VPS hosting, and lastly, if your site starts getting huge visitors for maintenance, you must use a dedicated web hosting server. Otherwise, you will lose your site’s visitors,s or it will not be possible to manage the site’s visitors. You should monitor how much bandwidth you should take for your site? If you have any other queries, kindly let us know!